The Golden Rule

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“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” One of the foundational principals of many societies, a 2000 year old teaching of Jesus, The Golden Rule kinda sums up everything we are taught in school for a great society.

When it comes time to perform magic, my first question for you today is as simple as the Golden Rule:

Do you treat your audience with the same respect you want them to give you?

Now we may jest about proving the “evil spectator” wrong, and getting the better of the “spiteful heckler” …those people do exist and honestly, it probably feels good to trick that person. You might say, “She had it coming.” But when you go out to perform, are you trying to fool people because you wish for power over them? Or are you trying to entertain them so that you may gift them something wonderful?

I mean c’mon, let’s be honest. It is fun to play a prank. It can be fun to lead someone the wrong direction to create an emotional reaction. There is a mischievous side to magic and that is all fun and well. There is no shame in enjoying the “crafty” side of the magic craft. But again, what is your real motivation? Is it just to fool? Or is there something more?

Did you see Derek DelGaudio’s short film, “Invisible Dialogs”? He stated that we don’t keep secrets “from” our audience, we keep them “for” our audience. The keeping of the secret allows us to give them a new perspective, give them a moment of wonder, give them something they can’t find other places. I think that is actually a form of respect and honor.


My grandfather, Howard Grounds, passed away this last week. He was 94. He lived an amazing life. The life of ten men!

I could write 100 blogs with stories about his adventures through the Great Depression, WWII, driving steam locomotives, and moving forward into the modern age. He lived a full life and loved and impacted many people. It was a pleasure to know him and have him in my life. 

I learned many things from him. The main thing that is replaying in my mind is that he didn’t just love people… You can teach yourself to love people …or at least show them respect. 

Beyond just loving people, my grandfather actually enjoyed people.

I hope that you love your audience and show them respect. We all should treat spectators the way we want to be treated. 

But beyond that, I hope you enjoy your audience. Enjoy these people who watch you perform. 

It can and should go both ways. As performers we get wrapped up hoping people will enjoy our presentation and our skill and our personality. But it’s easy to forget that it’s not all about us. If you want people to enjoy your magic, don’t forget to take the time and enjoy them, too.

Treat them better than the way you want to be treated. Enjoy them way more than they could ever enjoy you. Then, we might experience real magic.


Do you ever have trouble respecting your audience? Do you enjoy the people part of magic performance? Share below.

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  • Joseph the Adequate

    Sorry to hear about your granddad. We all learn from those that came before us, even Jesus was first a student before he was a teacher. He soaked up and shared the ancient teachings He himself learned, including the Golden Rule already in play a millennia before Jesus reportedly lived and died for our ‘sins’. History does not begin or end with the life of one person.
    What a wonderful question and blog post! I never think I’m dis-respecting my customers when I show them an illusion but there certainly is an aspect of ‘I know something they don’t’ about it all that I enjoy. You got me thinking though about WHO I perform in front of, sometimes I make a conscious decision not to do something because of how they look or act. Am I predetermining who might enjoy or not enjoy seeing some magic? Yeah, I guess I am. Sometimes we must judge others because in the end we are all judging ourselves first.
    Please keep these blogs coming Jeff and I hope the pain of your loss lessens quickly while his positive actions and memories last your lifetime.

  • Alex Hays

    Hey Jeff, great post! I lost my grandfather this month as well. Sorry for your lost, keep your chin up! Your grandpa sounds like a great guy. Thanks for the wisdom.

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